Management of Electronic Records
In our age of infomania increasing amounts of records and information are
created in an electronic environment. This has reached such an extent that
computers have become the major means of document creation in modern day
offices. Some of these documents continue their life in hard copy form
whereas more and more of them cease to be transformed onto a more durable
format and carry on their existence in electronic form only.
We save and keep our records and information with the aim to use them
again in the future. However, doing this in an electronic environment is
not as easy as we are used to doing in traditional media. E-recs pose special
problems of maintenance and preservation, some which still await to be
This course aims to highlight the special issues and problems associated
with the accessibility, maintenance and preservation of information and
records created and kept in an electronic environment.
Organization of the course
This course lasts for one semester and consists of 3 credit hours. It has
got two main parts. The first part looks at issues surrounding the management
of electronic records and information whereas the second parts concentrates
more on issues relating to accessibility of recorded information, by analyzing
methods and techniques used in increasing its dissemination.
No textbook will be used for this course, but a lot of reading will be
required. Almost all of the reading material will be available on the Internet.
Please refer to the course syllabus for the
topics to be covered and the source list for
reading assignments related to each topic.